5-Star Agent - Listing Effectiveness Rating

MLS Coverage

The Listing Effectiveness Rating (LER) is a performance metric for real estate agents that evaluates their ability to sell their listings within a reasonable time frame. This rating system takes into account property characteristics and local market conditions to provide a fair assessment.

A high LER indicates that an agent is more likely to sell their listings quickly compared to their peers, whereas a low LER implies that an agent’s listings tend to expire or remain unsold for longer periods.

The LER evaluates listings taken between 6 and 18 months ago and is updated on a monthly basis. This allows for a dynamic and relevant evaluation of an agent’s performance, reflecting their most recent sales activities. A 5-Star grade is the highest an agent can achieve with lower performance graded at 4, 3, 2, and 1.Relitix LLC, an industry leading real estate analytics company who profiles over a million Realtors® each month and grades them based on their ability to list and sell properties at the highest levels.
Relitix LLC, an industry leading real estate analytics company who profiles over a million Realtors® each month and grades them based on their ability to list and sell properties at the highest levels.

Looking at the Listing Effectiveness Rating, home sellers can better understand an agent’s track record in selling properties and make more informed decisions when choosing an agent to work with. This rating system helps to identify top-performing agents and sets a benchmark for other agents to strive for, ultimately leading to a more competitive and efficient real estate market.